Pathology Associates is a company with whom I look forward to doing business daily. Many times when trying to satisfying the needs of my customers, I must make requests to various Pathology Associate representatives. From within all departments, my contact with their staff is always professional and courteous. Their response is timely and accurate. The staff members stop what they are doing to make sure my requests are completed with priority. At times I have had questions regarding a diagnosis or verbiage documented in a pathology report and the representative has never hesitated to forward them to the pathologist for review. For certain hospital meetings I have had to know the schedules of the pathologists and again, the PA representative has assisted me in a professional manner in which I have been able to properly and timely notify the physician of the committee meetings. At times I request that the PA representatives, in order to give the full circle of patient diagnosis, include slides and surgical specimen information not necessarily from our facility. Their response is to do so without hesitation and to have the patient’s care as their first priority.
We are very fortunate to have a conscientious company like Pathology Associates with whom to work every day and that they have patient care as their number one concern.